Friday, September 28, 2012

Autumn Daze

The promise of Autumn is only slightly detectable this year. I look for it in late August and sometimes I am rewarded early. But this year is different. The weather has been unusually warm and humid for Southern California.  Cool evenings have been replaced by close, muggy nights. Not my favorite, that is for sure.

I  see the subtle signs all around me even though I have to look a little harder. The trees in the parkway have a few red pops among the green. Father down the street, where the ocean breeze must blow a little cooler and longer, the trees are almost all red.

The line of cars waiting to pick up the kids from school every afternoon snakes up and around the hill. a sure sign that summer is over. It just hasn't caught up with the temperature yet.

Hopeful for a change, I   proceed with my usual seasonal  tradition.  The inside of the home is decked out with warm Fall colors. .

My grandchildren love to see the tables change every season. It gives us all something to look froward to .

The pumpkins,fall leaves and  pheasants have replaced the shells, starfish and sea glass of summer on my dining room table.

 Warm candles glow every sunset in every room. The smell of cinnamon and other spices permeate the air.

I come home each evening to a warm, cozy embracing environment and I feel safe and loved.

My favorite time of year has arrived and I am in an Autumn Daze.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


The other day, I watched a wonderful movie that reminded me of the importance of using our imaginations. It was called The Magic of Belle Island.

A crotchety old author moved to the Island to drink away the rest of his days in bitterness and disappointment His neighbors, a newly divorced mother and her three daughters changed all of that for him.  His impact on  their lives was powerful as well.

One of the girls had a vivid imagination, but she was not aware of her gift. She wanted to learn from the author how to tell a story. He reluctantly became her mentor. And as often happens, the teacher becomes the student. They both learned from each other about life, love and how to tell a story. It was very inspiring.

The process of Transcendent Art takes some imagination. One of the great joys of my life is painting and telling stories to go with the paintings.  I love to imagine different scenes that reside outside of my view. I can spin a tale about  unseen places and get away from the cares of the world for a few moments.

They are stolen moments that come with much peace and joy for me. And my  hope for anyone viewing them and listening to the story will come away with a new perspective, relaxed and hopeful for the future.  Please join me on this imaginative journey. A sample is available in the Gallery section of my website,

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Transcendent Art came about as a result of my collaboration with an innovative , Emmy winning  design team. Together, we combined my original fine art with reflective, relaxing audio created specifically for each painting . The audio , using my voice and soft background music, takes the viewer on an imaginative journey through the painting. At first, we travel through what is visible on the canvas , pausing along the way to do deep breathing and relaxation techniques. The journey progresses to a place beyond the painting where imagination takes over. using guided imagery, deep breathing and autogenic training, viewing art takes on a new dimension . The benefits of this method are lower blood pressure, balanced heart rate, a relaxed state of well being and increased self esteem.

Here is a sample of one of the first offerings, my painting, Lazy Afternoon.

Can you imagine yourself in this canoe on a lazy afternoon? Feel the water gently rock you until all the cares of the world have dropped away. Imagine yourself leaving this canoe for a while to explore the unknown places that await you. It is your journey to take and to imagine and to use whenever you chose to bring yourself into a state of well being, relaxation, and increased self esteem.

This is a tiny bit of what Transcendent Art is designed  to do.

I hope you will come along and travel with me to a better place.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

January 8,1962

January 8, 1962

Before I went to bed the night before I gave birth, I gazed out at a bright, full harvest moon. It had been an inordinately hot day in Southern California for early January. The temperatures had risen to 95 degrees breaking all previous records for that date. It was strange , because just a few days before, my husband and visiting mother –in-law sloshed through mud to view the Rose Parade floats at the  viewing park they are placed in after the parade. I’m not a fan of heat, even in summer, and winter heat just aggravates me. My swollen, nine month pregnant frame, was ready for a change. And change was in the air.

My mother-in law teased me about being giddy. I guess I was. I just couldn’t wait to have my baby and start a new life. Her due date was the 9th. I was sure, like the rest of my relatives, I would still have a bit of a wait and I was getting inpatient.
Early the next morning, the beginning signs of labor became apparent. Off to the hospital we went, prepared for our new bundle of joy.
Later that evening, Lisa Anne Sprenger, 6 pounds 3 ounces , was born. She was a beautiful, strawberry blond , fair skinned baby, a stark contrast to my dark hair and olive skin. The nurses kept checking my identification to make sure they were bringing me the correct baby from the nursery. It made me laugh. Even though I am 100 % Italian, there are many fair haired, fair skinned beauties in our heritage. Besides that, my husband ‘s heritage is Swiss German. I was happy for the security anyway and so happy to be a Mom at last.

Lisa has always been an artistic creative child. When she was little, and supposedly “napping”, she would take Kleenex and make characters  from the fibers. Everyday I would find something creative that she had made during her “nap” . They would be recognizable dogs, cats, people. Whatever her mind could create.
When she was about 6 or 7, she found pieces of 2 x 4’s in the yard. She took the wood and drew faces on each piece, took scraps of fabric and dressed them and made a nativity scene. The barn was made of an old army blanket topped with a starfish. So creative.  It was the most heartfelt nativity scene of any I have ever seen.
 Another year, she took and old basket, some discarded perfume bottles and scraps of fabric and made another nativity scene.
Lisa has always loved Christmas and I would venture to say, secretly still believes in Santa. We can also include, the Easter Bunny , Tooth Fairy, and of course, Mermaids. Any trip to the beach was spent in constant pursuit of mermaid sightings. 
It is Lisa’s undying sense of wonder that makes her the creative Pre-school  teacher she is today.
It seems virtually impossible that 50 years have passed… in a heartbeat.
For the past 18 years, Lisa and her husband Tabb, have lived in Washington. It suits her there. She blends into the natural flow of life with ease. The change of seasons , rain and snow ,are always greeted with her continued sense of wonder. We miss her so much and often go there or send for her to come here. Our visits are packed with favorite pastimes, meals and memories. Lisa and Tabb have a good life and we are comforted by their love and devotion to each other and their pets.

Happy Birthday, my sweet girl. You continue to be the delightful, loving child that I first gazed upon 50 years ago. Your spirit is still as  young as it was on that day. And I know that it will always be kept young by your sense of wonder and creativity.

I love you, Mom