Welcome home.... Lisa
Nonna will be 97 soon and she still drives over to see her first born grandchild.
It' s cold and blustery walk this time of year, but we both agree, we wouldn't have it any other way. The air fills our lungs with clean, fresh ,cold , invigorating air.
Lisa's visit wouldn't be complete without a trip to Newport Dunes to visit the whale.
In the summer, the whale floats in the bay . It's just far enough off shore to swim to and dive from. It's been there since I can remember. During their childhood, I packed all 5 kids in the station wagon once or twice a week and off we went to the Dunes or Balboa to swim and swing and have a picnic
You're never too old to swing!
Our time together is coming rapidly to a close. It has been a wonderful 10 days, packed with activities and visits with loved ones. I have loved the early morning walks,coffee in the morning by the fire, the days spent visiting childhood places , the laughter as we all gathered together to celebrate birthdays, make cupcakes, build Lego's with the little ones, support my grandson as he auditions for a new School, dinners with all of my kids together, watching movies and laughing our heads off, remembering old times and friends not seen often enough. Our last evening together will be spent making plans for our next visit. It's the only way either one of us can bear the departure tomorrow. Wasn't it just yesterday that her plane landed and we had 10 days together stretched out before us?
Wasn't it just yesterday, that we took this bike ride?
What a lovely family you have, and what a beautiful visit with your daughter Lisa. I love the way you describe the area you live in. You are fortunate to be able to visit scenes from both of your childhoods!
My daughter lives in Canada, so I can appreciate how precious these visits are!
Thanks, Judy. I can tell you have a similar relationship with Kate. We are so fortunate.
What a nice memory of a family gathering! This is way lovely and well put together...
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