Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Years Resolution

For many years, every New Years Eve, I sit down and write goals for the coming year. I also review the goals from the previous year to see what I need to add to my list. Without exception, somehow I always manage to fill those goals without even thinking of them. I have never added, "start a blog' on to my list but it has always been in the back of my mind. I have always admired those that are so faithful to their blogs. My brother started on many years ago and has posted twice a week without fail. I only hope I can live up to his standards. I won't be posting that much but I will try to be faithful and interesting. I am excited to see where this journey will take me.

My title, "From Your Mindseye" is the title name of my  publishing company. A few years ago I recorded instructional CD's for personal  stress management. I recorded  three different Cd's. "Postcards from Your Mindseye" helps the listener deal with the stress of everyday life. " A Carefree Wedding" deals with the stress of the events leading up to the listener's wedding, and " Postcards for Peaceful Parenting"  teaches parents how to cope with the stress of raising small children. In all of these recordings I teach  how to make your own mental postcard using deep breathing, guided imagery and autogenic training. I have been selling them on Amazon. This year, as one of my goals, I am going to market digital download s on ITunes and other sites.

I love the name, From Your Mindseye. For me, it conjures up all kinds of images from art, music , literature, travel, cooking, anything. We can really open up our lives by letting our imaginations run free. That's what I want to share on this blog. I will share my art, in all forms, my thoughts and sometimes my family.  I hope you will join me on this journey of creativity and friendship.


Judy Hartman said...

Congratulations on starting your blog! I keep learning more impressive things about you, and I'm anxious to follow your journey with this blog! I know it will be wonderful!

Unknown said...

This is wonderful Aunt Julie! I am sure it is going to be fabulous (just like you!)

Hellomrsladybug said...

Thank you for the invite, I always love reading your thoughts.

Alfonso Cevola said...

blog on sister!