Many years ago , my sister gave me a poem written by Laurel Atherton. It is titled,
My sister is eight years younger than I. I remember the day she was born, vividly. I tend to be a very visual person so when I think about that day, I can see myself, our home, our neighborhood, my school and even my piano teacher’s studio.
I was taking a piano lesson when my Mother went into labor. My grandparents picked me up and took me home with them and announced that I had a new baby sister. I was overjoyed. I had been waiting for this moment at what seemed to me to be forever. It was the end of May, so I was still in school. On the day that my new little charge came home, I was allowed to leave school early to greet her .
My parents were very inclusive and allowed me to hold her. I also helped my Mother bathe her and feed and rock her to sleep. I was in heaven. She was my dream come true. The companion I had been anticipating for so long. I became a mother hen, worrying about her every squeak and squeal. Summer was just a few weeks away and I had 3 months to get to know her and take care of her.
As I read the words of the poem, at first they didn’t fit. If course, we were the same. We had the same history. But as I thought about it, they rang true.
“One is here, one lives there. One is a little taller than the other.
Two different colors of hair, two different outlooks on life, two very different views from their windows.
Both have different tomorrows ahead. Each is unique in so many ways. Each has separate destinations and distinctly different paths to get there , but…..
For all the things that might be different and unique about them….these two sisters will always share so much. They will always be the best of family and friends, entwined together through all the days of their lives. Their love will always be special, gentle and joyful when it can be, strong and giving when it needs to be, reminding them, no matter how different their stories turn out….
They share the incredibly precious gift of being “sisters” . And when you think of some of the best things this world has to offer, a blessing like that us really…what it’s all about. “
Thank you dear sister for such beautiful sentiments. I am proud to be called your sister and I love you very much.. As a little sister I was so in awe of your beauty and all of your accomplishments as I still am. As we grow older we have grown closer and while each of us is unique we find so many similarities as well. You are my sister,best friend, confidante and mentor. Thank you for being in my life.
Thank you, Tina. I have always tried to live up to your expectations. Looks like the comment section works now.
This is so precious. Goosebumps from head to toe.
J'ai offert ce poème en 2008 à mon amie d'enfance qui a toujours été comme une sœur. Malheureusement elle est décédée prématurément en 2020. Je relie ce poème souvent, il est le lien affectif avec elle. C'est nous.
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