I like to track weather patterns around the world. On my desktop, I have a long list of places that I follow on a daily basis. The list includes our home in Newport Coast; Lisa and Tabb’s home in Maple Valley, WA; Santa Cruz, Ca where Chanel will soon be living.; Pebble Beach, where we love to stay and relax.; New Castle, PA, where our friends Mike and Anita, our son-in-laws parents live.; Rome, Palermo, Radicondoli and Bucita in Italy, places that I love filled with personal family history. There are others as well. Every morning when I open my desktop, I am transported magically to these places and to the people that I love or who have touched my life there.
Today, the allure of the islands is calling me. My desktop tells me that it is 85 degrees in Honolulu today, sunny and warm. I can smell the Plumeria blossoms and feel the warm blanket of calm that comes over me the minute I step off the plane. I walk, in my mindseye, through the airport, taking in all the familiar sights and sounds. There will be people greeting us with fresh orchid leis. My favorite music will be playing in the background. IZ, the darling of Hawaiian music, greets me with his deep, rich tones, ukulele and slack key guitar. Very soon we will walk across the outdoor bridge that takes us into the main part of the airport. I can hardly wait to feel that soft, sensual air embracing me. Then I will know for sure that I am here. I love this place. It is the only place in the world that makes me feel like I am on vacation. I enjoy traveling and seeing different places around the world, but Hawaii is extra special. It meets all of my needs. The beauty of each island is breathtaking. The people are always warm and friendly. The sound of their language is soothing, a language I would like to learn. The culture is interesting and tragic, as so many cultures are. They are a proud people who share this paradise with us, not always so willingly, but graciously. I fell protective of the islands and their people. I want to honor and respect them as they deserve. We have come here many times, sometimes just the two of us, sometimes with other loved ones. Some of my happiest memories are here.
Out first visit.
Kaua'i with Piper, Pat and Gretchen
I will return soon.........Aloha