Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Ancient Companions

Lately, I have been drawn to all manner of things interesting and wild. My morning walks along the shores of Crystal Cove and Pelican Hill give me ample time to ponder the mysteries of nature.

I love the wet fog against my skin and hair and the wild wind that sweeps all my cares to sea. The pelicans fly in formation back and forth over my head.

They seem intuitively  to know that I walk peacefully below them. They glide along the cliffs that hug the sea and go from one end to the other back and forth.

They skim across the top of the ocean looking for breakfast and dive down to catch their prize in their pouches.

I have always loved to watch these prehistoric birds. Their lineage dates back 30 to 40 million years. They look ancient in the morning light. One can imagine other prehistoric creatures feeding along the waters edge.

 Once a few years ago on the first day of January, my husband and I rode our tandem on these cliffs. The pelicans took flight with us and stayed with us in formation the whole way. It was an ethereal, magical event that seemed to say they too were welcoming in a New Year. I felt so connected with them that day and everyday.

It doesn’t take much to make me realize that there are treasures in every moment of everyday that are there for the taking.


Crosby Kenyon said...

Great pelican photos! It 's easy to imagine other prehistoric creatures. I wonder how many species of birds fly in a v pattern.

Judy Hartman said...

Julie, this is beautiful! What a lovely picture you paint with words. I just love the story of your January 1 experience!!
Julie, thank you so much for the comment you left on my blog. I, too, am so happy that we connected when you were preparing for your trip to Tuscany.It was a bit of synchronicity and I feel honored to be your friend. I love the way your blog is developing!
I'm wondering...do you plan to share your paintings with us here?